of my favorite humans are tying the knot and I couldn't be more thrilled about
it because I have seen Colleen and Isaac’s relationship from the very beginning. Colleen and I first became friends in Kindergarten. We had epic play dates together, where both of us were too shy to speak to one
another. Our friendship has since grown and matured, and now I’d say we enjoy
engaging in pretty deep conversations. Fast forward to high school, and
Colleen, Isaac, and I all ran cross country together and first hung out at
meets and pasta parties. Isaac was actually a pretty competitive runner and
needless to say, took it more seriously than Colleen and I. Throughout college and
after graduation a large group of us high school friends would get together on
breaks for basement parties and annual ski trips, but then Colleen and Isaac
began getting together in smaller groups or sometimes just the two of them, to
cook, explore the outdoors, or have “Science Nights” (I still don’t fully know what
those nights entailed). While some of the details have become a bit fuzzy over
the years, Colleen and Isaac were good friends for a long time, but I always
thought Isaac’s eyes sparkled extra when he looked at Colleen. I am so happy
Isaac broke out of the friend zone and swept one of my best friends off of her
feet, because he truly brings out the best in her, and she does the same for
him. Their love for one another is undeniable. They play and laugh together
like young kids, are always exploring and learning together, and taking on new
adventures as a couple. These two are so deserving of love and happiness, and I
am pumped that they found that in each other; not to mention now we get to have amazing double-dates for the rest of our lives. I was so thrilled to capture their love
with my camera and I am so honored and excited to stand next to them on their
big day!